Thursday, March 2, 2017

Extra Whatever-it-is-I-Need

Father God, I ask for extra strength today. After the tough day yesterday, I can't do today without You carrying me through it. I feel exhausted and on the brink of tears. These kids and their dumb decisions are wearing me out mentally. It doesn't help thinking I may lose my best friend and teaching partner of 12 years. Selfish? Yes. I'm just asking for an extra portion of patience and love so that I may be able to hand it out as well as use it for myself. Thank you. InJesus's name I pray. Amen.  

Friday, January 20, 2017

Fear the Boobs

I am sitting here in a waiting room waiting on the dr to look at my mammogram X-ray. Last time I was here they found something that they want to keep an eye on. So, I'm back here 6 months later to see if the little sucker has changed. I had ultra sounds last time and now they want to do that this time too. 
It brings me to a time when my mom had a similar experience. The thing that's different for me is I am alone here and that is just fine. Mom was so scared that Mishelle and I had to take off work and go with her. I remember when they told her it was nothing she broke down crying with relief. I knew she was full of fear at that point. I'm not knocking her for being scared. Cancer can be a scary thing. Especially for Mom. Both her mom and dad died with cancer. I'm just thinking how grateful I am to Holy Spirit that gives me such peace in times like these. 
I have finished my ultra sound and they said the spot hasn't changed any so I am good for another 6 months. Yay and thank you Jesus! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day

 Today is Election Day across our country. Who will run the USA? Will it be someone we don't like or someone we don't like more? This has been the nastiest campaign season I can ever remember. Both parties are more interested in tearing each other down than telling us about the plans they have for America. 
 I will not vote in this election. I know that freaks people out, especially my mom. I don't feel like I can make an informed decision about either candidate. I also don't feel like my vote counts anyway. I do realize, by not voting, I have forfeited the right to gripe, so I won't. 
 I believe God is in control. All Christians are saying this, but at the same time fearing the outcome. My God is bigger than POTUS and whatever He decides is what I will go with. This is a great opportunity to watch God work and I will sit in the stands with my eyes pointing up and praising Jesus all the way! 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Who Do You Do Life With

I'm felling rather down today. I finished a Bible study on RightNow Media today about living life together. It was a great study of how God wants us to be close with people. I realized I am not close with anyone but Mishelle, my sister, and Kim. I don't do life with anyone. Not even Bobby. He is gone all the time doing his thing and I'm doing mine. Which consists of going home from work and watching tv. By myself. I'm not wanting sympathy, I know it is my fault. When you do life with people you have to be there in good and the bad. I don't think I am mentally stable enough to be there for someone when their life got messy and sad. I'm really not a good friend. I always want close friends to entertain me but don't want the complications that come with deep friendships. I don't know the answer to make me feel better. I just suck at life. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

East Gate Foundation Run

Yesterday I had the oportunity to enter the East Gate Foundation run in Minco. I did the 5K because I haven't been training at all. I wanted to run because it is such a great foundation. Lori and her team do so much for the families with cancer sick members. She is a friend of Heaston Church and there were many Heastonites running. Several for the first time. I am so proud of them for coming out, exercising, and just loving each other through this hard thing. I saw beautiful kids and adults fellowshipping with each other with a comradery that comes only from Christ. I was a tad jealous because it has been a while since I felt that with this church. I don't mean to bring this post down. It is totally my fault that is the case. I don't put myself in there with them. I am so much older than most of these people, I don't fit in with them anymore. Our church is full of young people. Even our pastor is a generation behind me. It's ok though.
I also went to Life Church yesterday. I love the option of going to church on Saturday evening. Bobby just got home from the Tulsa State Fair and I love hanging out with him on Sunday mornings. With a Saturday service I am able to worship God in a corporate setting and have a great family time on the weekends. Who knows, maybe Bobby will want to go to church on Saturdays someday too.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Lunch @ El Reno High School

 Every day I eat lunch in the cafeteria.  I always think, "What great kids we have here!"  In all of this time, I haven't had any incident with any of the kids! I should knock on wood I guess.  

Monday, October 20, 2014

Campfires and Great People

I had one of the most rewarding weekends I have had in a long time! My sister participated in a 32 mile run in Tahlequah at the Pumpkin Holler Hunerd. The Start/Finish line was right along the Illinoise River and ran a long loop up through the woods.
While Mishelle was out doing "her thing" I helped out at the race. Other than getting finishers Gatorade, water, or something to eat, I had the all important job of feeding the campfire. What you have to know about me is campfires are one of my favorite things in the world. I love the warmth on a chilly day and the smell that sticks in your hair and on your clothes. The people there were some of the most laid back friendly people I have ever met. The atmosphere was so welcoming and supportive. You have to understand that the people I run with, road racers, are very serious and competitive about thier runs and races. This crowd at the trail race was just down-home and fun!
These people made me want to hit the trails more often and my next pair of running shoes will be trail shoes!
I have to give a shout out to my wonderfully beastly sister who finished the 32 miles in 8 1/2  hours! I am so proud of you, Mishelle! You are an inspiration to me!